"As a cultivator of stories,
I help people, just like you,
discover and write their
own unique life experiences
- for themselves and others
- one story at a time."
~ Bev Moss Haedrich
I am a passionate teacher, a cultivator of stories. My life has been filled with enough twists, turns, ups, and downs to challenge the fittest athlete on some of the roughest terrains. Luckily, I almost always have a notebook by my side.
Nature frequently beckons me outdoors. Listening to the birds wake up in the morning, frogs croaking in unison, or photographing peeling bark on an aging crepe myrtle ~ these are the moments that touch me most deeply.
Traveling sets me free from the mundane, too. I guess that’s why most of my published work has been about the people I’ve met and the places I’ve visited. If I can inspire others to slow to a writer’s pace and enjoy all that small towns, coastlines, or even a few hours at a local park has to offer, in my book, that’s a successful day.
During the last several years, I have been so very fortunate to hold writing classes for groups of talented and creative writers. Many didn’t think they had anything of importance to write; some wanted to write, but they didn’t know how to begin. Others discovered their writing voice and wrote stories about their travels, childhood adventures, successful parenting and adoption mishaps, siblings and sports rivalries, challenging careers, and those they admired most.
“I always admire your generosity of spirit to share with others. You are a writer's motivator!!” ~ MW
I look forward to guiding you on your path of writing stories worth sharing.
“…(thank you) for your steady encouragement, support, a ready smile, and invaluable help.” ~ AWT
“I now appreciate how writing about the experiences in one’s life can clarify and magnify all sorts of nuances...a short time together has given me so much to build on.” ~ JM
“…I enjoy your class and am inspired by your direction and assignments. Thank you so much.” ~ CH