How do you come up with all those different prompts and lessons? Over the past five years, this is the question I am most often asked.

My standard reply is that after hearing the stories, essays, or poems created from an assigned prompt, it magically pushes my creativity onward. And I embrace and welcome the challenge. But, honestly, a creative nudge that lights up the senses, encourage a list of What if questions, and produces results that the writers are happy with, is all it takes.   

Ever so often, I plan to share some interviews with you here. It may be with an author who has their book under the Stories Worth Sharing tab, like Bill Beecher’s Double Agent Stallion, or excerpts from others’ short stories. Ones that I hope will encourage you to write either on your own or through one of my Six-Week Sessions online. 

Whether you are at work on a current project, want to write and don’t know how to begin, or feel you are not complete unless you are setting pen to paper, these classes may be the impetus you need to get moving in a direction that helps create or continue your writing journey. I wish you the best. 

In the meantime, I hope you’ll take a few moments to watch this 3-1/2 minute video of an essay by Bill from an Apache Blessing class prompt. The blessing was sent to me by a dear, longtime friend, and it was apropos for an upcoming prompt that produced some lovely words and memories. Let me know what you think.

Sit back and enjoy…

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